Marui Ueno

Address Tokyo, Taito-ku, Ueno 6-15-1
Store hours Shop / 11:00-21:00
(Japan-holidays up to 20:30) Restaurant / 11:00-23:00

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Introduction to stores

2 basement floors and large commercial facilities consisting of 9 floors above ground. Women′s wear men's clothing, mainly expand variety stores, sporting goods stores, Loft, muji, Gap, restaurants.

(It is generated by machine translation.)


Elevator floor front left

Escalators: floor central area

(It is generated by machine translation.)


[9F] women's restroom, men's dressing room, with baby seat toilet, wheelchair-friendly makeup rooms

[8F] women's restroom, men's dressing room, with baby seat toilet

[7F] seats with restrooms, wheelchair-friendly makeup rooms

[6F] women's restroom, men's dressing room

[5F] none

[4F] women's restroom, men's dressing room

[3F] baby seat with dressing room, ladies ' dressing room and powder room

[2f] baby seat with dressing room, ladies ' dressing room and powder room

1 F none

[B1F] women's restroom, men's dressing room, with baby seat toilet, wheelchair-friendly makeup rooms, ostomate

[B2F] women's restroom, men's dressing room, restrooms with baby seat, restrooms

(It is generated by machine translation.)